Memory Game

Deck   Size   Game Type


To start

Select a Deck and a Size, then press a Game Type to play.

Deck - Select what is on the cards. The number in brackets is the number of cards in the deck.
Size - Select the number of cards you want to play with. With more cards, the game is longer and harder. If the deck you have chosen doesn't have enough cards, the size will be reduced.

Playing as a Single Player

Click on a card back to flip a card, then select another card. If the two cards don't match, your score will increase and the cards will flip back with your next move. The lower the score the better.

Playing with Two Players

Click on a card back to flip a card, then select another card. If the pair of cards match, you get to choose again. The player who gets the most pairs wins. Keep you eye on the score at the top of the screen, it will tell you who's turn it is.

Playing with no rules

Clicking on a card will cause it to flip, from back to front or front to back. The game will not keep score.

mem V1.3, ©2025 Inc., all rights reserved